Kyle’s First Birthday
Kyle turned one last week, on June 23. As the cliche goes, “it’s hard to believe it’s been a year”. Well, I’m not so sure. In the last year, so very much has happened (including becoming a dad) that it seems like it was forever ago that we were driving to the Hospital to have labor induced so we could meet this little guy. Folks say that one day they’re kids running around in diapers and the next moment they’re off to College. Well, for me at least, it’s never been this way. The way to avoid this is to take stock in all the small stuff that goes on around you. Take your time and make it last. Make time slow down for you. Make it your bitch. Each weekend is a vacation. Every day is an adventure… even the boring ones. Find what you love to do and spend all your time doing it. Whatever it might be; loving your wife, playing with trains, hiking, biking, reading, surfing, playing with your one-year-old boy.
Click the image for pics from Kyle’s one-year-old party. Congratulations, Kyle. Here’s to many more!
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