Found In the Woods

August 18, 2006

Being Ben Sullivan

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 8:18 am

If you are currently a student at the University of Delaware and you’re looking for a good job, try the RECYCLING TRUCK. I worked for 3 years on the truck with some of my best friends. It’s about 2 snaps above a trash man, but has the sweetest schedule and perks. It’s definitely a laid-back job. And, working for Roger is one of life’s true delights. The Grounds Crew is a different breed. For a genuine distraction from the humdrum of college life into the real world, get this job. You won’t regret it. And don’t forget to pick up the glass at DuPont Hall.

August 17, 2006

Early Morn

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 6:51 am

Lens flare for free. Got up early and got to work earlier. Time for coffee…

August 10, 2006

Angry German Kid vs. Numa Numa Kid

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 7:57 pm

Ohh, the mashups keep getting bettar and bettar. Some nice cameos in this one too.

August 7, 2006

“Are you wearing mascara?”

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 3:19 pm

“No…. yes.”

I’ve been waiting for years for the great Noah Baumbach film, Kicking and Screaming, to be released on DVD. And here it comes, under the radar and as a Criterion Collection release no less! I couldn’t be happier. I’ve already pre-ordered it on (it comes out 8/22).

Kicking and Screaming is a dry comedy about life post college graduation. Mostly about relationships, the movie is heavily laden with off the wall jokes and witty assemblages; references to boredom-incited literary trances, ill-fated book clubs and inescapable juvenile habits born from insecurity are just a few examples. I particularly enjoy pouring myself a hefty 16+ oz glass of Amaretto Sour and curling up to watch this movie. It has a certain “comfort food” appeal to me. It’s definitely one of my top ten films (if I had such a list, it would be there) and has tremendous nostalgic value as well. It brings me back to the time when I discovered Wes Anderson, Tenacious D, Noah Baumbach and a few others (thank you CHimes). It was a great time. This is a wonderful movie – I’ll gladly give you my VHS copy (if you have a VHS deck) if you’d like to watch it.

“Oh, I’ve been to Prague. Well, I haven’t “been to Prague” been to Prague, but I know that thing, that, “Stop shaving your armpits, read the Unbearable Lightness of Being, date a sculptor, now I know how bad American coffee is thing…”

August 2, 2006

And now, your moment of zen…

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 2:21 pm

Hope you said your prayers.

July 31, 2006

787 Clip Arts

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 12:29 pm

787 Cliparts A looping series of clip art images. Mesmerising.

Anna Veronica

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 10:24 am

Anna Photos to enjoy.

July 6, 2006

Here she is

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 8:57 pm

Welcome to the world, Anna Veronica. Yesterday my daughter was born. Mom and Baby are both doing well. She weighed in at 7lb 14oz, 19 3/4" at 2:04pm. Yesterday was her birthday. The birth day. The day was so matter-of-fact, that it was hard to believe that the baby was coming. Wake up, eat breakfast (but dodge the wife who's not allowed to have anything to eat), play with Kyle and the dog and do the usual routine.  Drop them both off at my parents house and then we're off to the hospital. It isn't until Kristin's in a hospital bed, hooked up to a fetal monitor and they're telling me to change into scrubs that it starts to get real and feel different.

It's like what my friend Chris once told me when I asked him for advice on how to best prepare for childbirth. "Yeah, it's hard to say, I guess. It's sort of like the time when I was in middle school and I went on a hiking trip with my school. On our way back to the parking lot, we came across a swollen stream. It was in the spring so the water was pretty cold. A few of the guys crossed the river and made it to the other side. Just then someone noticed that the path we were on led back to the parking lot and we wouldn't need to cross the water. When we suggested to the guys that they go get the cars and pick us up, one of them replied "No way! F*ck you man! You get your ass across this river." In other words, you just gotta do it.

So many things start going through your mind as you watch the preparations begin. I realize that in my life, whenever I have to give a big presentation, I'm never nervous until the moment when I realize that my turn is next. I won't get antsy until the guy who's up before me is called. Well, there really was no "next guy" yesterday. Just visits from various nurses, doctors and anesthesiologists. It was the head nurse, who comes in to give her schpiel to us on how this whole thing is going to go down.

"So first we'll take Kristin down to the room. She'll be prepped there. The bed in the O.R. is like this one, except it's a bit narrower and has a place for your arms to stretch out to the sides. Once you're on the bed, you'll sit upright and squeeze this pillow for the Anesthesiologist. It's crucial that you focus on a position and you arch your back into that position. He will administer the drugs and then you'll lay down on the table. We'll then put up a curtain across your chest and begin to get you ready."

"Ben, you'll wait here until we call you to come into the O.R." Thank you, I thought. I'm not one for the oogy-woogy. I don't like blood and gore, especially when it's associated with someone you love. Kris was about to get the equivalent of a really tidy shotgun wound to the belly. I'd done this once before and I remember all the urgencies, sights, sounds and most of all, smells. They use some sort of tool to cauterize the wounds as they go along, so there's lots of smoke and smell of burning … stuff.

The nurse also reminded me that I'm not to get up at any time (even though with Kyle the anesthesiologist invited me to look over the curtain once the surgeon had announced that the head was visible) and that I'm to stay seated on my stool near Kristin's head unless someone allows me to move. When I had done this with during Kyle's delivery I got to see his head exiting from Kris' torso. I remember the intense feeling of security that the doctors who were performing the operation were experts. I had to tell myself over and over again that Kris was in good hands. Because, aside from Quatto making an appearance, her insides looked inside-out. In any normal situation, this would have absolutely terrified me and turned me away in horror. I mean, yes, it's that bad. These doctors are good, I thought. They're the best.

So here I am. Kristin has been wheeled out of the room, I gave her a kiss on the forehead and said goodbye. She's off to get doped up and scrubbed with iodine. I'm sitting here in this cold, bright room, surrounded by quiet, dark monitoring machines making peace with God and myself. Thinking that the guy who's in front of me has just started his speech and I'm next. It's almost time.

Where do you want to go?

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 8:56 pm

I want to get back off the beaten path. To find a place and buck the trend. Diss the popular and seek the unusual. Find a road and drive down it just to see where it leads. Because it's always the spontaneous, the unexpected which yields the most interesting results. Something to talk about. Something to brag about. Something to write about.

I want to head to Maine again. Wake up at three thirty in the morning, shower and grab my bags. Hop in the car and watch the sun rise over the Susquehanna. See the fog make its last gasp over the corn fields in Delaware. Grab a noonday lunch in Connecticut in some ancient port town. Up and over the craggy hills of Massachusetts and smell the thick, sweet pine state air, laden with fir and cone. Stop at the side of the road, silent and high above Carabassett lakes. Smell the air and smile as your friend emerges from the brush and greets  you. It is now your journey begins.

June 29, 2006

G4 gets a new brain. Highlights at eleven.

Filed under: Blogging,Projects,Tech — bsullivan @ 11:21 pm

So I got my new hard drive and memory in the mail yesterday from OWC. I decided to tackle the hard drive in my TiBook first so I got the instructions online and set to work. The install was really easy, actually. I was already familiar with the innards after doing the DVD-R drive (which I found a little harder, actually). So anyway, I plugged it in, screwed up the case flipped it over, with a big, excited, presents-on-christmas-morning grin, and booted to the OS X Tiger DVD.

When I got to the screen to choose which drive to install on, none appeared. (There goes that big grin). But, at the moment (about 10 mins ago) I figured I hadn't connected something right. So, I flipped it back over, unscrewed the cover, rechecked all the connections, reconnected it and tried again. Same thing. (Now a puzzled look) So I did this one more time. Same thing. (Beginning to get angry)

Each time I did this I bent over and pressed my ear to the keyboard to listen for hard drive activity and I couldn't hear any! So, naturally, I figured that the thing wasn't getting power and indeed the logic board connection wasn't properly hooked up. (* See, you also have to understand that part of the reason I'm replacing this hard drive is due to the fact that the OEM 20gb drive that came with the TiBook sounded like a refrigerator. The ball bearings must have been ready to wear through the case and into my lap. My wife yells at me every time I try to use the computer when she's in the room. Yes, it's that loud.)

It was at this point that I started cursing at myself and lamenting my aching back, the sweat pouring down my forehead and the back of my knees, the fatigue and my aching back. The last time I tried reconnecting and turning it on, I heard a faint *beep* quiet as a mouse but I KNEW it wasn't the DVD-R drive. This gave me hope… it also awoke the notion in my thick brain (which 2 minutes earlier I had contemplated perforating with a small phillips head screwdriver) that I had to FORMAT the drive before OS X would even look at it. Big duh.

G4 gets a new brainLessons learned? Don't try to install a new hard drive in your PowerBook at 11:30pm unless you have to. See, this should have been easy. All this week I've been spending my free time resurrecting an 8 year old PowerMac G3 blue & white. Even with the scoffing from my coworkers and the cries of "noooooooo, not that!" from my experienced Mac guru friends, I still press on in the hopes and dreams that I can make it into a useful server/kids machine. This will happen and when it does… I will be victorious!

Next up, install some more memory in the PowerBook G4 and in my iMac G5.

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