What makes me so sick is that in every photo I see of her being arrested in front of the White House, she is smiling. Sometimes almost laughing. I can almost read her mind…“Wheee! This protesting thing is FUN!” This “planned protest” fiasco that she and her nutjob allies cooked up is nothing short of laughable. Apparently her arrest was planned and plenty of media was on hand to capture it like some sort of twisted paparazzi red-carpet event, with photographers jockeying for a position to take a photo of this clown being hauled away by the police, who may I note were not smiling at all.
The photos make it look like protesting can be fun. It’s disturbing that this is the case. A fundemental right of Americans is to protest. It’s a national treasure. But, what pollutes it is when folks like this gain the media’s attention and begin to popularize the whole thing SIMPLY for the sake of the action. In other words, the easily impressionable might see this and think “oh yeah, she’s aweshome for standing up and protesting at the White House and making a stand!” where the truth is, she’s just another anti-war protestor. Many, many people have lost loved ones in this war, it’s a terrible thing. I think exploiting that is perhaps the greatest travesty of this woman’s life.
“If you haven’t had it with this horrible woman and her anti-American antics; her sick and disgusting exploitation of the heroic death of her patriot son, then I have…” Mark Noonan, BlogsForBush.com
Freedom isn’t free.