Found In the Woods

August 30, 2007

oh man your nutz

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 1:07 pm

Some blog sites are being innundated w/ malicious links via posts to comments. Some of these we’ve all seen many times in spam or on other sites. They are all too perfectly funny.


  • are you kidding me? lol
  • Dude dont send that stuff to my home email…
  • Dude your gonna get caught, lol
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA, man your insane!
  • I cant belive you did this
  • LMAO, your crazy man
  • LOL, dude what are you doing
  • man, who filmed this thing?
  • oh man your nutz
  • OMG, what are you thinking

Jury Doodie

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 11:35 am

I performed my civic duty yesterday, jury duty. The age old American ritual of time-wasting and watching those old and broken gears of justice spin around like a rust-covered meat grinder. Well, I assume it wasn’t always like that, but for me it sure was. The room, full of auditorium style seats, was full with about 350 folks, all eager to not have their number called so they could collect their $15 check and be on with their lives. After sitting from 8:30am until 11:45am, reading, watching Howl’s Moving Castle on my iPod, instant messaging and surfing the net (they have about 8 PCs in the back room, which is nice), I was dismissed for a 1.5 hr lunch break.

At 1:30pm I was called to a courtroom, along with about 45 other folks. We filed into the courtroom eagerly awaiting our chance to fulfill the honorable duty to our great nation by serving on a jury of peers… or something like that. Instead, we sat for a few hours, in the “voir dire” phase of jury selection, which is a long series of questions intended to give the court a chance to know if you are someone they want on their jury. Questions like “do you have a problem with the police department” or “do you believe that narcotics should be legalized”, and so on. This silliness took 2 hours and was mind numbing.

When we did eventually get around to seating jurors, several folks stood up and gave excuses on why they shouldn’t serve. One lady didn’t understand English. Another had some medical problem. Another lady had a business to run. Another guy can’t understand english. A lady needs to be at her office for a meeting. And the best, one lady actually said she had guests coming over for dinner and needed to be home. When the dust cleared and the judge conferred with the counsel and assistants, he said “well folks looks like this is your lucky day” and proceeded to inform us that he’d granted too many strikes to the defense/prosecutor and that they wouldn’t technically be able to seat the jury. So we all left… after 3 hours of nothing.

I’m proud to be American, but when you see nonsense like this it makes you wonder if all the hullabaloo about problems within the justice system are true. I have little faith in our justice system. In principle, it’s brilliant and a great example to the rest of the world. In actuality, it’s a messed-up, broken piece of our democracy that needs serious overhaul. Used and abused, the system is overrun with technicalities and red tape that only serves the money-grubbing lawyers, eager to defend or prosecute so they can get a piece of the pie. It’s sad and depressing, and I’m glad I won’t have to do it again for at least 5-10 years. Blech.

August 21, 2007


Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 11:32 am

Yep, it’s been a long time… 53 days to be exact. Pathetic, I admit. I haven’t scrapped the blog just yet, but it’s tempting. 🙂 So, in the last month and a half a lot has happened.

  • Went to Red Sox vs. Orioles game w/ Bruce & Jerry
  • Saw Transformers movie
  • Kyle & Anna both celebrated b-days – Kyle = 3, Anna = 1
  • Fulfilled a lifelong dream and drove a steam locomotive
  • Kris & I celebrated our 5th anniversary
  • Attended Steve Johnson’s wedding, finally
  • Made our annual journey up to Cape Cod and visited w/ the family, which was really nice
  • Got back into D&D, after a nearly 10 year hiatus
  • And of course, been playing lots of WoW

I’d like to blog all of these things and I mean to. I think I will set up posts with retroactive dates… sort of like Jiffy Express.

June 29, 2007

Wedding Bells

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 11:16 am

Andy & Kate are officially married. Last weekend, on the 23rd (also Kyle’s b-day) they were married at Christ Church Christiana Hundred in the Brandywine Valley. The ceremony was very nice and the reception was a blast. I left at 2am and the party was still going strong. Those Brits know how to have a good time. I miss so many folks from up in DE, it’s hard to leave them behind. The DE area is a special place to me – I really bonded with it when I was up there for school and the year afterwards. Maybe some day I’ll find myself living up there again. Who knows. Salut Andy & Kate! Click the photo below to view my collection of snapshots.


June 20, 2007

Best spam evar

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 7:56 am

My work email address gets tons of spam. This is what happens when you have a sub-par email server w/ mediocre (if any) spam filtering. This one really made me chuckle.

Chicks always laugh at me and even guys did in the WC toilets!
Well now I smile 🙂 at them because I took megadlk for 6 months
and now my disk is much bigger than NATION average piano size. :p
I bought that music disk from this store
league leaders United. Early strikes by Agger and Riise
said as protesters burned a picture of him.
points behind the leaders and needed a win to ensure a
Councilman: Buffalo, N.Y. police to stage “sickout”
a ball for Drogba, but the ensuing shot was off target.

How can the spammers make any money or sell anything if the spam makes no sense at all? These folks, along with meter maids and evil dictators are the scum of the earth.

June 19, 2007

Who doesn’t miss? Hunters, that’s who.

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 8:13 pm

Good gawd this made my day:

Patch day can be so painful…


Filed under: Blogging,WoW — bsullivan @ 11:06 am

Part of the responsibilities of my main character in Warcraft is to tank. This means that when we go into a battle, I stand up front, get the mob (monster, whatever) really angry with me so that he beats on me and no one else. I use every ability I have to get “aggro” or his attention and keep it on me. This allows the rest of my group to dump all of their effort into doing damage and whooping the mob’s arse. This can be stressful (if I lose aggro and the mob goes after another party member or if another mob comes into the fold, etc.) and difficult but I just love it. It’s probably the most appealing aspect of playing the class of Warrior to me and I look forward to the challenge in every instance.

Here’s a great guide on the WoW forums which lays out the philosophy of tanking and how to do it well. 

June 18, 2007

Be an early riser

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 11:15 am

Getting up at the breaka-breaka dawn has immense benefits to all of us, especially in terms of productivity, health and wellness. I have gone in and out of being an early riser but recently have been reminded of some solid, well-rounded reasons that I should get back in the habit. Primarily these reasons center around health – it has been nearly six years since I started my downward spiral from healthy to unhealthy, slimmer to fatter. I was going to the gym, biking to work, doing the Body-for-LIFE program (which worked a charm for me) and generally happier. Since then I’ve gained weight, more or less stopped exercising and relaxed my eating habits. My weight has climbed up while my habits went down the 2001 on the AT

So, being an early riser has become another goal of mine. Get to the gym, get on the bike, get outside, get active. It all starts early in the day. That’s where the real gold is. Let’s get back on it…

May 17, 2007

Digging the Pearl

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 8:01 am

I’ve never really been into cellphones. They tend to overly bore me (I’m not one of those dudes who wears the borg-like ear piece and is seemingly on the phone at all times, in fact I rarely answer the phone while driving) or overly excite me. (OMG you can take PICTURES on your phoen?! …and teh emails!??!!1! …AND teh Interwebs?!!11!?) While I was in Mexico a month ago one of my friends was showing us his new Blackberry Pearl, which he got free w/ contract from on the T-Mobile network.

When I saw this thing I was totally hooked. My phone was getting old and showing its age. I wanted something more full-featured and I was ready to step up to a smartphone. I really dug the idea of having a mobile camera and email access anywhere. I know, I know, I sound like I just crawled out from a rock. Well, in a sense I have, because I’ve owned a long string of very basic phones, never really wanting to get too involved, until now.

My Pearl arrived a few weeks ago from Wirefly and so far it’s been a blast. So many times I find myself checking in on email, doing instant messaging on the fly, from anywhere there’s a signal, and generally enjoying to use the phone. I still have to get myself acquainted w/ some of the more complex features (like music, Blackberry IM, etc.) but I have time. I’m also going to crossgrade my copy of Missing Sync to support Blackberry (currently have the Palm OS version, which I love) and seek out some more charging/data cables.

SO, as a result of this, I’ve set up a new gallery of my mobile photos on my Flickr site:

May 8, 2007

La Cucaracha

Filed under: Blogging — bsullivan @ 7:50 am

A couple weeks back 6 of my oldest and best buddies went to Mexico for a long weekend of R&R. We had a blast, to say the least. I’d never been to Mexico and it was a good introduction to some of the grittier side of life there. I flew out with Oozy on Friday and we made it to SNA with no problems. Ben & Felix (who’d flown in earlier) met us at Enterprise. We rented a van, packed it up and headed to Wahoo’s Fish Tacos for some lunch. The Maui Bowl is just amazing; get it if you ever go there. We ran a few errands around town and then headed to the train station to pick up Bowis & Nick (who’d flown to LA a day early to hang w/ Bo). We headed South in the throes of Friday evening CA traffic, which has to be some of the worst I’ve ever seen. It took us about three hours to get to the border. In the pouring rain… come on Cali! Where’s the sun?!

We picked up some Mexican auto insurance and crossed the border into Tijuana. The extreme poverty and filth of this city is overwhelming. I’ve never been to a third world nation but this is what I imagine it to be. Everywhere we looked was broken down buildings, dirt, wrecked cars, junk and the smell was terrible. It had been raining all day so the sewers were overflowing with raw sewage. Along the highway you could see storm drain covers spewing brown sewage like fountains. We saw one house where a lady was using a bucket to bail the sewage out of her first floor room onto the street. Shacks and “houses” cling to hills precariously and there is junk covering the landscape. Beggars thread the cars on the highway traffic with bravado as we crept through town.

Once we made it through TJ things cleared up as we headed South along the coast. Not much to say, only more and more run down towns and new posh skyscraper hotels along the beach every mile or so. There are some amazing vistas and it’s a shame that Mex hasn’t capitalized too much yet on this. Sure there are lots of nice houses here and there, but the run down areas far outweigh the nice ones. Trump is even building a complex down there. Our destination was Las Gaviotas, a walled community of little houses on a hillside overlooking the ocean. We made it down with no problems and quickly got settled in. Newcott & Bowis grabbed their surfboards and headed out to catch a few waves while we enjoyed the incredible sunset.

The house we got was fantastic. A three bedroom, fully furnished place with nice amenities and space. Our house was right on the water, had a roof deck and a patio, where we spent most of our time drinking cerveza and RBV. The first evening we headed to Puerto Nuevo for some “lobsters”, which are more like baby lobsters but good nonetheless. The food down there was good. Regardless of where you went, food was tasty and cheap. We ate and headed back home for some drinkin’ and movies/hot tub, which seemed to be the general routine of the trip.

Next day we got up and headed to Fat Raoul’s for some Mexican Eggs. (*The name of the place is Raoul’s but last year when a few of the guys were down here the proprietor who worked there was a ginormous dude who they nicknamed Fat Raoul) and beers. This day happened to be a big Baja bike ride so the roads were closed for a little while. It was perfect b/c we got a bucket of beers and hung out to watch the bikers go by and enjoy the locals try to navigate/negotiate/overpower the police on the roads. One truck driver actually managed to back his double-trailer back the exit ramp and onto the nearby main highway. We headed South to try to hit Ensenada but again, the traffic and road situation turned us back. We eventually ended back up where we started and hit a local ATV rental place. For about $20/person we rented ATVs for 1:15 and rode ’em all over the dunes there. It was a riot. Only Oozy flipped his ATV and luckily no one was hurt, which is surprising since we were criss crossing and passing each other and other ATVs constantly. Back home for some lunch and lounging on the roof deck, enjoying the sun and the company. That night we headed to Rosarito for some local fare and nightlife. The towns are nuts there, wherever you go you are hounded by the proprietors of restaurants/bars with “deals” and specials endlessly. We lit of a few local fireworks on the beach and headed back home.

The next day, our last in Mex, we headed back to Fat Raoul’s for some more Mexican Eggs and margaritas this time. The ritas were fantastic and the food great as well. Simple and cheap, just the way we like it. The rest of the day we spent sitting on the patio in the sun, chatting, drinking and just generally catching up with each other. All of us have been friends for over 16 years now and some of us don’t get to see each other more than once or twice a year. This was the best time, just hanging out, I think we would all agree. After a little hemming and hawing, we decided to pack it up later that night and head back to Costa Mesa, CA. We decided we didn’t want to drive in traffic the next morning and risk missing our flights home. The Newcott’s were gracious enough to allow us to crash on their floor (literally) that night, and of course, back in California, it was raining. Seriously Cali, what’s up with all this rain?!

The last day we all packed into the van while Ben went to work. We dropped Felix, Bo & Nick off at the airport while Oozy and I headed back to SNA to catch our flight with time to spare. All in all this was a great trip. No one got hurt (unlike last year where Bo nearly was blinded) and everyone had a blast. We’ve made a pact to have a guys trip each year somewhere in the world, and I’d say this was a good start. In my mind the only thing that would have made it better was more time.

Photos are online.

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